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A cool iPhone

Another thing that I have noticed from my iPhone 12 mini to the 14 Pro is it runs way cooler. I use CarPlay with my iPhone at least once a day. Living in California it is often very hot. There were many times using my 12 mini where I had to hold it up to the air condition vent to cool it down while driving.

I think lots of this is down to how small the iPhone is and how it can’t really dissipate the heat well. I have wired CarPlay like many cars and while iOS is smart enough to not charge it all the time. I consistently had to battle with my phone overheating. I could have probably used bluetooth more but I love using CarPlay. Even if its short car rides that only last 10 minutes or so. It became such a consistent thing I would often go with ought a case on my phone because the leather Apple case would make it warmer.

I didn’t post these thoughts in my initial post because I wanted more time to see how the 14 Pro performed in this regard. Im happy to report at least for the week I’ve had this phone that I haven’t had an issue with the phone overheating or getting warm. It’s noticeably better than the 12 mini and case or no case I never feel like the phone gets warm. I can arrive at my destination and put my phone in my pocket. Before I would often hold it because it was too hot and needed to cool down. Luckily my new phone makes this day to day task a pleasurable experience. Not one that is a chore.