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Its been a long while since I have done anything on the app front but thats gonna change. Its a little scary talking about it so early but its something I’m really excited about and would like to share.

When doing my podcast or just in day to day activities I had often found myself needing save formatted links. Things I wanted to share or stuff I wanted to save. But I would also need those links to be formatted sometimes in markdown sometimes as hyperlinks. Every time I would be reformatting the same link multiple times I knew I should probably make an app for this…

Introducing Bridges!

There has never been a faster way for me to automate the process of formatting things with custom titles. I can in a few taps add a new link to one of my folders and then have a wide range of formats ready for me to use. So far it takes your URL and custom title and makes those into: Hyperlinks, Markdown, JSON, and HTML. Then you have rich preview of the link and can copy whatever format you need in one tap. You can also open the link in the app if you wanted to read an article quickly.

Building on the focus of automating any folder you make will easily let you copy all the links in it with the format you need in one tap. With Apple introducing universal clipboard a while back this also lets you transfer that data to your mac or iPad easily.

A photo of three iPhones showing my apps screens and how it lets you add links and paste formatted links.

In the spirit of building things out in the open I wanted to share this now. I was going to wait but I will be posting updates as I work on the app. Some people I look up to have done this and I feel like its a fun thing the Apple community does.

There are lots of things I already want to add. But I am going to focus on building this out on the iPhone first. If you have any ideas or suggestions let me know! (I used the app for this one 😅)

So if you have show notes to make or are collecting links for a blog post. Bridges can make the process much more enjoyable. I plan on releasing a TestFlight early next year and will share more about it then. Till then stay tuned!