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Launching the Bridges Beta

Launching the beta for my app Bridges was really fun. I had planned a day for myself to release it and I hit that goal. Leading up to it was feelings of excitement and a little nervousness. I was eager to see what the reception would be like and how many people would download and use the app.

I think it went really well and the app got more downloads than I thought. So far as of writing there have been 113 downloads of the app. While that is amazing I’m going to be curious to see how many actively continue to use the app.

I had a small test group that was using the beta before I launched it. People I knew or thought would really benefit from it. In the coming days my hope is to see people post screenshots using the app. I have seen many developers I look up to get that and it would be awesome for it to happen with Bridges. There has already been lots of positive feedback from users which is very encouraging.

I like building in public documenting this journey here and hopefully inspiring any other developers. I love that the Apple community is like this and I want to continue the trend.

Bridges Beta Features

I have gotten some emails with user feedback which is great. So I wanted to talk a little bit about what I have planned for Bridges. I see this as my app I can hang my hat on that will be my main focus. A long term goal I have is to launch it on the iPhone first but bring it to the iPad and the Mac.

Some key features I am going to work on for the next few beta builds:

  • A share sheet extension
  • Moving links from one folder to another
  • Reordering links in folders
  • Reordering folders

This list can change and grow but as of now and from initial feedback I think this will be my current focus. I still need lots of other little things like loading animations for rich link previews. But like all betas this will be something I build out overtime. The share sheet extension had always been on the roadmap but I couldn’t build it fast enough for the launch date I set.

If you haven’t read my past post check it out here. If you have used the app thank you! Please share it with a friend or someone who you think will enjoy it. All in all I am more excited than ever to have Bridges be the app I’m working on and get to share with the world.